An army of darkness. A group of young heroes. A town hanging in the balance.

Serpent Cult is the second novel in the Heroes of Ravenford series. In this sequel to Ruins on Stone Hill, Glolindir, Lloyd, Seth, Aksel, and Elladan discover that a dark cult has set its sights on the little town of Ravenford.
With new threats cropping up in and around the town, the companions are faced with a near impossible task: protect Ravenford from an army of monsters, deadliest assassins, and blackest of magic.
Cult has been initially released in audio format on Audible. Other sites will be added shortly to which I will provide a universal link for all. In the meantime, Cult is available in ebook and paperback formats at this universal link.
Also, the narrator and I would like to share an excerpt from Cult with you. The companions have been sent by the Baron of Ravenford to discover why ships are disappearing off the coast. In this scene, Glo, Lloyd, and Aksel investigate the dark and seemingly empty Cape Marlin lighthouse. The trio are accompanied by three sisters they had met earlier on the beach. While quite mysterious, the sisters have some extraordinary abilities that might help them in their investigation. Unbeknownst to them, the young heroes are about find out who may be behind the mystery of the disappearing ships and just how extraordinary the three sisters really are:
Hope you liked it! Stay tuned in the next few months for more audio releases from Heroes of Ravenford and more news and excerpts from the Rise of the Thrall Lord series.