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Heroes of Ravenford - Revised Edition

Hi Everyone,

As my friend, Tim, pointed out to me the other day, it has been quite awhile since I posted here-way too long in fact! Much like one of my novels, life took some strange and unexpected turns this last year. Thankfully, things have gotten back on track, and I can concentrate on writing once more.

Not to say I haven't been writing at all. To the contrary, my new direction with book one quickly spilled over to books two and three, and now all three books have been revised. Book three is currently under review by my new editor, Sandra Nguyen, and book two is being readied for publishing by S Pro Designs. All three books sport brand new cover art, created by the incomparable Jackson Tjota. Here is the new cover design by S Pro with Jackson's artwork:

Jackson just blows me away. He is so talented! And S Pro does great cover work. Just hoping that my revisions can measure up (smiles ruefully), but with Sandra's "fresh set of eyes", at least I know they will be error free (doffs his hat and grins). Anyway, in case you're wondering what those revisions entail, I will give you a quick synopsis, but I will be posting excerpts in the next few weeks, so you can be your own judge:

1. Plot tightening - what originally seems like disjointed threats to Ravenford might very well be a single, malevolent group.

2. New characters - Delara "Titan" Ranblade is not the only new addition to the books. There are a few other characters that have new, or expanded roles, giving a more in-depth view into life in Ravenford as well as the town's history.

3. Main Characters - the main characters have received some fine touches that better reflect who they really are.

4. New scenes - some new scenes have been added to expand upon the story and allow the reader to get to know the characters both in and out of dangerous situations.

So there you have it. Look forward to excerpts from book one in the coming weeks, and then a book two cover reveal in October. If all goes as planned, I will be sharing book three's cover and excerpts in November, capping it all off with a final release date for books one, two and three circa late November, early December.

Thanks for reading!


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